Hiking Through the Seasons

There's a magical transformation that occurs when you immerse yourself in the world of hiking through the seasons. I've had the privilege of witnessing nature's evolving color palette firsthand. Here’s what I have grown to love:

Spring: Nature's Reawakening

My love for hiking in spring is like witnessing the world stir from a long slumber. With all the rain here in Portland, OR, the forests and fields come alive with vibrant greens. The air is filled with the sweet aroma of blooming flowers, and as I walk along the trails, I'm surrounded by a symphony of color. The reds, blues, and purples of wildflowers contrast with the fresh green, painting a picture of rebirth and renewal that only spring can provide.

Summer: A Burst of Life

Summer hiking is another season that’s a vibrant explosion of color. The deep, rich blues of the skies mirror the sparkling waters of lakes and rivers. During this season, I can't help but marvel at the sheer abundance of life. Fields are blanketed with golden wildflowers, and the trees provide much-needed shade with their lush, green canopies. The palette of colors is bold, vivid, and invigorating.

Autumn: The Art of Letting Go

Autumn, for me, is a time of melancholic beauty. The changing leaves usher in a visual symphony of reds, oranges, and golds. Walking through forests, I feel like I'm treading on a carpet of fallen leaves, and every step is accompanied by a gentle rustling sound. The world seems to be letting go, offering a reminder of the impermanence of life, all while presenting an unparalleled feast for the eyes.

Winter: A Silent Spectacle

Hiking (or snowshoeing!) in winter is a unique and peaceful experience. I love to escape to Mt. Hood to experience a world of white. The simplicity of the color palette – white, gray, and subtle blues – creates a sense of calm and serenity. The intricate patterns of frost on branches and the way sunlight glistens on icy surfaces reveal the quieter, yet no less captivating side of nature's colors.

Year-Round Beauty: The Evergreens and Wildlife

In the Pacific Northwest, throughout the seasons, there's a sense of continuity provided by evergreen trees. Their steadfast presence, with deep and unwavering greens, reminds us that life persists even in the harshest of conditions. Wildlife, too, paints the seasons with its presence, from the vibrant plumage of birds in spring to the camouflage of fur-covered creatures in winter.

Hiking through the seasons has been a deeply personal journey for me, a journey filled with awe, inspiration, and gratitude. It's a reminder that nature is a living masterpiece, and every hike is an opportunity to witness the changing colors of the world around us. Each season brings a unique, breathtaking color palette, ensuring that every step on the trail is a new adventure in the ever-evolving canvas of nature. I look forward to seeing my favorite places change throughout every season.

Do you have a favorite season of exploring? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Stay Sunny!


Connecting with Nature: Finding Joy in the Great Outdoors